Ecobuild is the future of design, construction and the environment, with the latest developments for architectural and landscape, with newest products from around the world, comes all under one roof once a year. With thousands of people visiting Ecobuild from around the world the atmosphere was great.
Topics and Subjects within Ecobuil:
- Sustainability
- Construction
- Materials - Exterior, Interior, Renewable
- Water Wise
- Cityscape's
- Architecture
- Landscape Architecture
I was quite disappointed from my visit to Ecobuild, at first I was really looking forward to the visit and exploring and learning new things about subjects and widen my skills in construction methods and what's out there on offer for. There was more showcases and stand based on Architectural Designs then Landscape. Landscape lectures/seminars and stands were pretty limited, but there was a great range of topics and seminars taking place.
Within my visit one of the topics I was interested in Living Walls, and Roofs and really wanted to understand the method, construction, maintenance and management goes in to designing and constructing an Living Walls or Roofs.
One of the lectures I attended during my visit at ExCell - Ecobuild was Frosts Vertiscapes:
Drainage: Green Roofs are a component of sustainable drainage systems, typically intercepting 50% of the rainfall that falls on them. This helps to reduce urban surface water flooding and pressure on overworked drains and sewers.
Urban Heat Island: Cities are hotter than surrounding areas. Green Roofs reflect sunlight and provide and produce evapo-transpirative cooling, providing relief from the heat in dense inner busy city areas.
Energy Conservation: Green Roofs keep interior of a building cooler in summer periods and the opposite during the winter, keeping the interior warmer, making significant savings in bills and carbon.
Biodiversity: Bu using native species and plants with proven value to attract wildlife, green roofs attract a wide range of wildlife , and this increases biodiversity in even the most urban areas.
Extending the Life of the Roof: A green roof can protect waterproofing from IV lights, and very hot summer and cold winter temperatures, potentially extending its life bu decades.