Friday, 26 March 2010

Landscape Detailing - Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture

As detailing is one of the main aspects within Landscape Architecture. I bought an book I would say everyone should defiantly get and look in to called 'Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture' with 40 well known designs around the world, with full details.

I would say this has to be one of the best books on detailing. Even though it is a book mostly based on design details not much on construction details, it still does teach you and gets you to to understand the construction details within the design details it shows.
I would say a very good book for young professionals to understand details by comparing the photos and the drawings about the projects, with different illustration methods on design details, does clearly explain everything about the designs details step by step.

Even at first I didn't fully understand it much, the more I read it over and over again the more I understood the detailing shown on the diagrams. And to help even more the books includes a CAD file CD for better understanding about the detailing. 

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Saatchi Gallery - Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson - 20:50

I will say I was speechless when I saw Richard Wilson contemporary installation in the gallery. I wasn't truly excepting anything like that . The whole of one of the rooms in the gallery was entirely flooded in oil, the room was custom built especially for the work to be built in, which absorbs and mirrors the gallery architecture,- 20:50 transformed the gallery into a site of epic illusion. A master piece that was so cleverly thought off. 20:50 takes it's name from a type of recycled engine oil used, very unusual for but cleverly again thought about, the oil is thick, pitch black, and absolutely indelible. The smell of the oil I would say cover the whole of the gallery, with such strong smell.

''Through this altered perspective 20:50's phantasmical aura is enhanced, amplifying the disorientating and mesmerising experience of the space and further confounding physical logic'' Saatchi Gallery description of the masterpiece

Even though there was a walk way that extends into the lake which places the viewers waist deep at the centre of a symmetrical scope for a different feel of experience. Unfortunately wasn't open on the day of my visit so personally couldn't experience the walk in to the oil, but would say I wasn't that upset about the walkway, the smell of the oil was too strong for me that I didn't keep much interest about 20:50, even though it is a masterpiece to be seen.

The Saatchi Gallery - The Empire Strikes Back: Indian Art Today

One of the other exhibition at Saatchi Gallery was the Indian Art. Which was a very unusual and different experience for me to view. I would say most of the art works that was on display I didn't get out a first glance, would then have to read the description about the art work and the meaning behind it. 
I would say nearly all the art works had such strong and powerful meanings and points that the artist was trying to put across to the viewer and some where reasonable bold and clear, where some of the art work I found a bit to powerful for my understanding about the art work. 
It was a big difference for me viewing the art works and did give a insight of Asian art works. Most of the work I would say was aim about Women, not all in a positive way.  

One of the other works that really caught my eye was the Erude statue - made from Black lead on fiber glass.
419 x 169 x 122 cm
The minute I got up the stairs and turnt to my left the sculpture was there, a huge biconic sculpture of a young boy, which didnt even look like a oung boy at first, as I walked towards it, the bigger it got. The sculpture is of a young boy selling books on the traffic lights like in Mumbai. The feet are shaped like homes, which presents that a nomad whose home is where he lays his feet.