Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Saatchi Gallery - Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson - 20:50

I will say I was speechless when I saw Richard Wilson contemporary installation in the gallery. I wasn't truly excepting anything like that . The whole of one of the rooms in the gallery was entirely flooded in oil, the room was custom built especially for the work to be built in, which absorbs and mirrors the gallery architecture,- 20:50 transformed the gallery into a site of epic illusion. A master piece that was so cleverly thought off. 20:50 takes it's name from a type of recycled engine oil used, very unusual for but cleverly again thought about, the oil is thick, pitch black, and absolutely indelible. The smell of the oil I would say cover the whole of the gallery, with such strong smell.

''Through this altered perspective 20:50's phantasmical aura is enhanced, amplifying the disorientating and mesmerising experience of the space and further confounding physical logic'' Saatchi Gallery description of the masterpiece

Even though there was a walk way that extends into the lake which places the viewers waist deep at the centre of a symmetrical scope for a different feel of experience. Unfortunately wasn't open on the day of my visit so personally couldn't experience the walk in to the oil, but would say I wasn't that upset about the walkway, the smell of the oil was too strong for me that I didn't keep much interest about 20:50, even though it is a masterpiece to be seen.

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