Monday, 29 November 2010

Aims for Focus Week 2

As two years flied by, when I can still remember my first day in university sacred and not knowing what to expect and thinking how three years where going to go by and with what obstacles I was going to face and if I was going to over come these obstacles, and how I was going to over come with the stress of work load.

Now it's my final year and I am more aware of how an landscape architect/designer should think, work and approach designs, I am bit more confident with myself when approaching, analysing and investigating landscape designs, where I could reflect these approaches to my own way of style and design work, with the two years experience and knowledge I will putting everything I have learnt  to the test on my final year as well as strengthen myself.
 As a final year student and the time for Year Out is approaching I have to find and define myself as a landscape architect/design, I have to look in to How I work, What's my style of work, How I approach designs, What are my inspirations, How I engage with landscape designs. And a way of finding the answers for these questions will be by visiting sites, exhibitions and etc to see how I approach and question other people's works such as artist, landscape architects, architects and etc.

So within this Focus Week 2 I will be visiting exhibitions, site's where I tend to go often  but I don't analysis the site but this time I will be visiting to analysis/explore and to see how I engage with the site. I will be critical about what I see and will be questioning the designs/art works.

Aims I set myself for this week are:

- To find and define my own personal style of work 
       i. What are my weakness and strengths within a design?
         ii. What would help me in developing my weakness? 
          iii. How I approach designs?
           iiii. What are the examples of contemporary practices that interest me the most?

- Improving and developing my analysis / survey skills when visiting sites/exhibitions.

- I will also be improving my knowledge within Landscape Architecture, reseraching  about Landscape Architects, their approaches to designs, the combination within their designs, the style they produce.

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