Friday, 5 November 2010

Reading and Writing

During Summer we were told to look in to a topic that inspired, excited, and motivated yourselves, the topic had to refer to or related to the practice  Landscape Architecture. It had to be an study that related to yourselves.
The Illustrated Essay had to identify s specific I'm and reflect it within it's title. As well as researching about a topic that interested ourselves, one of the other aims within this essay writing it to improve and develop our research skills rather then relying just on the Internet resources.  

Writing our own personal proposal for the critical study will motivate ourselves more and will help us understand our own way of approaches to Landscape Architecture.

My topic will be based on Art of Landscape Architecture, I will be looking in to aspects of how much of Art is involved within Landscape Architecture? Will be looking in to areas such as the differences between what is called Art and Design, how Landscape Architecture Designs may be interpreted as Art forms of the present time. The reason why I'm interested in this topic is because I want to understand the boundary of Art within Landscape and how much artistic can we be when designing, it is argued that Art does not have to function all the time, but an design has to function, so what are the limitations when designing an Landscape? Can Landscape Architects be artistic as well as having an functional design. And also can Artists do the jobs of an Landscape Architect?

There is many questions going through my mind about this topic so I believe it will be an interesting essay to write and to seek answers  for those questions.
One of my worries with writing this essay is my Dyslexia problem, I know I will be having problems in writing this essay but to over come this matter I will be starting early with my essay and orgnising myself well in to getting this essay finished on time.

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