Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Critical Illustrated Essay Writing :Title Decided

For my Critical Essay writing as I said in my previous posts I was interested in the topic of art and design within Landscape Architecture. So after all my research's and tutorials with my tutor, the title of my essay is:

''The invasion of Artists taking over Landscape Architecture: Are Landscape Architects Artistic Enough? ''

I have included my on Abstract and Intentions within the essay below, we only had 5,000 words of limit for this essay, I will say I did have difficulties in reducing my research's and trying to explain everything in short hand as possible. And thanks to my Dyslexia it didn't help at all, but I did get through it and hopefully it will be a great read. I enjoyed it very much I will say even though it was stressful with  the amount of reading and research I have completed, but it was all worth it.

Landscape architecture a profession only as little over 100years old and Art may be old as old as human existence; at the present time the two are bee compared as one. Landscape architecture been a design based profession, on the other hand Art is filled with history and long existence in the world with hundreds of definitions from its developments and movements till this present time.
With not only landscape architecture having a low profile definition in actual what the profession is, it’s not been credited for its full propose, to be more parses landscape architecture is the art, or the science or even arranging of the land for engaging human use. So a profession still growing may have a definition that doesn’t credit it’s propose at the present time, but surely relates to a background of thousands of years back. 

The intentions and purposes within this study are to understand and explore how art comes into landscape architecture at the present time. With many Artists using the landscape in different scales exploring in different ways to express their work to the world and to point their own opinions across more clearly has bought the term of Land Art, Artscapes and even if landscape architecture is the new Art of the present time.
It brings in to mind the terms of Art and Design, what is Art? And what is Design? What are the boundaries of these two and the similarities? 
Landscape architecture been a profession of mainly design with functionality and having purpose to its surrounding human use, and where to art been on the side of creativity, imaginations, freedom, no limitations, does not need to function or to have a purpose to its surroundings. So the question here is asked how artists comes to be designing landscapes when their own profession has barely any boundaries to a profession with boundaries, or are landscape architects not been as artistic and creative enough with their designs and been over powered by the works of artists. I will be looking in to the answers for these questions.
Also nowadays artists collaborated with landscape architects and landscape architects collaborated with Artists they combine their artistic ideas and design ideas together for one piece of work. I will be exploring the success behind the collaboration work by the two professions.

Every artist has a signature for each piece of work they produce to make the work recognisable and that it belongs to them. Architects tend to take over the site, with their designs over shadowing and dominating the landscape, which this tends to be the signature of their designs. Where to a landscape Architect, we have to work around the site which has already been already dominated or already has been taken over by the surrounding architecture or maybe a landscape that has been isolated by its surrounding, and for landscape architect to design a landscape, defining the designer is more complex, so this is where art may develop within the design process, so the signature of the landscape architect may be the artistic aspect within their design.

The rest of the essay will be available for those who are interested to read.. :) 

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